
Reload with Broken Slots

In Breath of the Wild, loading a Save, or Reloading, is more complicated than would be anticipated due to an extra layer of inventory called Game Data. The Game Data is used to facilitate behavior like that found in Trial of the Sword or Eventide Island where most of your items are taken away at the start then given back to you at the end.

Shown below are

Reload Command

These commands below can be used in the IST Simulator. All images were produced using the IST Simulator.
Initialize 1 Weapon 1 Shield 1 Apple 1 Slate 1 Glider
Equip Shield
Break 4 Slots
Unequip Shield

Initial State

Final State


Reload Command in Multiple Steps

Initial State

Our initial state consists of a Weapon, an Equipped Shield, an Apple, a Paraglider, and the Sheikah Slate. We then

  1. Hard Saved the Game
  2. Unequipped the Shield
  3. Broke 4 Slots (Red Backgrounds within the Inventory are Broken Slots)

The steps within the reload process are:

  1. Copy Save Data to Game Data
  2. Removes mCount items from Visible Inventory
  3. Copies Game Data to Visible Inventory
  4. Copies Equipment Durability from Visbile Inventory to Game Data

1. Copy Save to Game Data

Take everything in Save Data and copy it to Game Data

2. Clear Visible Inventory

Remove mCount items from the Visible Inventory starting from the left, or the beginning. Broken Slots are not removed. mCount in the previous image was 1, therefore 1 item is removed from the Visible Inventory; here the Weapon is removed.

3. Copy Game Data to Visible Inventory

All items in the Game Data are copied to the Visible Inventory.

4. Durability Transfer from Visible Inventory to Game Data

The easiest way to do durability transfer is to find the 1st equipped item of a type and copy its durability value straight up from the Visible Inventory to the Game Data. In this example, the Shield is equipped so its durability gets copied directly up into the Apple above it in the Game Data.

Durability Transfer: A more detailed explanation

Within the visible inventory, the will transfer its durability to the Game Data slot at the same position.

In this example, the equipped Shield is in Slot 3. Its durability is to be transferred to the Game Data in Slot 3 (an Apple).

Durability for Weapons, Bows, and Shield are stored at 100 times the stated durability to allow for fractional durability. A Shield of 10 stores its durability as 1000.

The Shield's stored Durability is transferred to the Apples stored durability. However, items like Apples do not have a durability, but store the Item Count at the same location. As such, the Shield's stored Durability of 1000 is copied to the Apple's Count. Apple like Items have a maximum limit of 999 so the value of 1000 is reduced to 999. The image above is the same as the result from a Reload.

Commands used to create the images above

Initialize 1 Weapon 1 Shield 1 Apple 1 Slate 1 Glider
Equip Shield
Break 4 Slots
Unequip Shield
Init GameData 1 Weapon 1 Shield[equip] 1 Apple 1 Slate 1 Glider
# Reload (Copy Save Data to Game Data)
Initialize 1 Shield 1 Apple 1 Slate 1 Glider
Break 4 Slots
Init GameData 1 Weapon 1 Shield[equip] 1 Apple 1 Slate 1 Glider
# Reload (Clear Visible Inventory)
Initialize 1 Weapon 1 Shield 1 Shield[equip] 1 Apple 1 Apple 1 Slate 1 Glider
Init GameData 1 Weapon 1 Shield[equip] 1 Apple 1 Slate 1 Glider
# Reload (Copy Game Data to Visible Inventory)
Init GameData 1 Weapon 1 Shield[equip] 999 Apple 1 Slate 1 Glider
# Reload (Copy Durability from Visible Inventory to Game Data)