3dmap - 3D Map
as - All Shrines Catalog
bingo - Bingo Card Predictor (out of date)
botw - BotW Run History
btb - BTB Catalog
cook - Cooking Simulator
damage - Damage Simulator
dpad - Button Image Generator
dragons - Dragon Paths
drops - Drop List Probability generator
drops-totk - TotK Drop Probabilities
eqs - Earthquake Source Maps
eventviewer-totk - Totk Event Viewer
gems - Gems calculator
gg - Generation group visualizer
gmrt - High Res. topography
herospath - BotW Heros Path
horsing - Horse Paths
icon - Leaflet Icon Generator
kilton - SRC Mirror
koroks - Korok strategies with videos
mappct-totk - TotK map% calculator
meme - Loading Screen Memes
mmh3 - Mur Mur Hash3
monks - Monk Pictures
notes - Video annotator / note taker
notceler-totk - Totk Routing tool
quests - Quest notes
quests-totk - Totk Quests
reload - Notes on "reload" during IST
route - Korok route generator
source - Earthquake Source
times - Time of Day for NPCs
tos - Shrine viewer
topo - Topography and Structure
totk-flags - Flag Viewer
totk-heros-path - Heros PAth
totk-logic - TotK Logic View
totk-temperature - TotK Weather
viewer - Data File Viewer
wmc - BotW WMC Meal Explorer
yahaha - Korok Pictures